How does MD TLC™ treat back fat?
Like with all unwanted fat that creeps up on our bodies, excess back fat is a concern that becomes more prevalent with age. While women are often bothered by the excess fat that sticks out over and under straps, men find their lower back to be the most concerning.
Regardless of where you are experiencing unwanted back fat, Dr. Quibell and her talented medical staff at MD TLC™ can help you achieve the slimmer look you desire. If you want to feel confident in your favorite clothes again, reshaping the back area can do wonders for your overall appearance.
Our office is equipped with multiple lasers to perform non-invasive and minimally invasive body procedures. Depending on the part of your back you want to address, Dr. Quibell may advise one of the following treatments:
What are the causes?
While most of us have trouble zones we want to reduce, excess back fat is not only due to weight gain and genetic predisposition but also due to a decrease in skin firmness. This is especially true for women who struggle with embarrassing lumps around their bra strap. The loss of collagen that begins after the age of 30 doesn’t just affect our face and neck, it impacts all skin, making excess pockets of fat more visible and problematic.
Schedule treatments for back fat in Wellesley, MA
We are proud to offer the latest laser-based technology for fat reduction. These innovative body contouring treatments offer a way to smooth and contour the back, with less downtime compared with traditional liposuction treatments. To get started, please fill out the form below to request a consultation or call (781) 431-0002.